Wednesday, January 07, 2015


There are days like this every so often. We saw such a day on what America calls 9 - 11, when the twin Towers came down.  The world stood by America.  Le Monde ran a headline "We Are All Americans, Now".  

It was a day like this in certain ways.  The world stood by ready to help.  The American president said "You are either with us or against  us!"  And he dragged the world back into the fire of war.  A war that is still going on, still boiling and bubbling and still destroying lives and hopes.  Still part of the events today in Paris.

Could tomorrow be that day?  The day the world has been aching for, dreaming for, searching for, several thousand years and more?  It doesn't really have to work completely.  But a start would be nice.  It would give us something to build on and hope for someone else to come along and add to it.

I would like to feel that Pope Francis is at work tonight, that Barak Obama is in contact with leaders tonight, seeking ways and reaching out to other leaders in government and religion and philosophy.  Tonight, the day after the sun is reborn.  A night, not just to give peace a chance, but a night to create a new world.  

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