Enrolled in 1952. Part of the class that pushed SIU over a total attendance of 3,000 students. My qualifications? Really? None. I got too close to a college that had a dream and got sucked in. Effect? Every good thing that has happened to me in my life is a result of my attending SIU.
I was right out of the sticks. Graduated from a high school with about 20 students. When confronted with initial registration I didn’t know which line to get into. There were signs reading “Last name beginning with an A and ending in an F”, next one read “Last name beginning in a G and ending in an L”. I was amazed. My last name began with a W and ended in a K; where was my line? The most appropriate answer would probably have been “back home!” But a beautiful lady with a “Can I Help You?” button on her blouse smilingly showed me the line I should get into, and she insisted I stay in it even though it ended in the wrong letter.
Vera Peacock was my French teacher. First year, first class, 8 a.m. She was totally unreasonable. Her homework assignments were unbelievable. We students banded together and decided we would confront her. And we did. We told her she was demanding too much work. She went to the door of the classroom – which lead to the outside street – and flung it open. She turned and looked at us and said “Get out!” She glowered at us, “This place is reserved for COLLEGE students!” I remember looking through that door and seeing Korea. I saw rifle flashes and felt concussions. It was a relief when she finally closed the thing. It was tough after that. Mais une pâle ampoule a commencé à briller.
Well, it wasn’t all that serious. I did get to work with the only Saluki we had then. He was in the back of the Men’s Residence Hall, which was named after Susan B. Anthony. The yard had a sundial inscribed “Count None But the Sunny Hours”. And I did get to know Dick Gregory, in fact fenced with him as part of a fencing “team”. Having recently arrived in Illinois from MIssissippi, I wondered how my uncle would react seeing me jabbing at a black guy, who was jabbing back at me. He would have wondered what the world was coming to. Well, we were building a new one.