The weather was perfect. There were even deep blue skies and little fluffy clouds. A cool breeze played in the trees. Temperature 71°, humidity 42%. And from there things got better.

Next we went to Full Circle Arts where we all voted for best in show, and then down to Union Square and wandered into some shops we had never even noticed before and were amazed at all the goods and services we have been missing. Ah, the power of art strikes home again.
Finally we started back. But first we would run over to the rest of the show just south of the tracks.
We went in the wrong door at Fanjoy Labrenz Photographers and stepped right onto the “stage” with Joseph Hasty & Centerpiece Jazz players. Instantly the tone of the evening changed. West coast jazz is not often heard around here but it fit this occasion perfectly. The wine and snacks served were a bit upscale as was the roast-in-a-pot which played in combo with perfectly made rolls. This was the show not to be missed.
Finally we stopped by The Jackson Group and enjoyed meeting some of our friends in this architecturally-blessed work of art that has been filled with even more art.