Special Edition Bulletin - for September 12, 2001
- Published by Soliloquy Press - Franklin, NC 28734, USA -
Juliana Sidra
September 28, 2001.
St. Cloud, MN
Welcome to our planet Juliana Sidra, you’re going to like it here. it’s really just a great big busy box, and you will feel at home if you can learn to push and twist and pull and toot just enough. Congratulations on your choice of parents! You have selected two of our most advanced models. They run well and are capable of much wear and tear. Should you encounter any problem with your parents please call the following numbers 472-6666 or 472- 6323 (that’s GRA-NMOM or GRA-NDAD). Should a sleepy voice answer your call, please hang up and return to your parents until mid morning.