Trees at the very top where we sat were still bare and the forests below lay spread out beneath us, sparkling with thousands of

In the parking area, half a mile below, it was already a jungle. Between the two, on the Appalachian Trail which joins parking area and summit, foam flowers were in bloom. Umbrella plants were flowering along the trail along with millions of mayflowers, trillions of trilliums, and way too many wake robins to even begin to count. The forest floor was littered with an endless display of blue, purple, yellow and white violets along with crowfoot, spring beauty, hepatica, wild strawberry, cincfoil, chickweed, and entirely too many other flowers to even begin to comprehend the display.
The prime consideration of the capitalistic economy may well be the concept of scarcity, but the prime consideration of nature is boundless bounty - filled, flowing over and pressed down for good measure.
©John Womack, 2006. All rights reserved.