Now I wonder even more. Do the Wild Places have Emotions? How would we know what they feel? Can we feel those emotions ourselves? How can we describe them? Can we establish a relationship between ourselves and them?
Is the realm of Thought apparent in the Wild Places? How can we describe our encounter with Wild Places thinking? How does our own personal thought process change in the Wild Places?
Keep in mind that Wild Places exist on great beaches, on rocky shores, high on mountaintops, and in green prairie grasses, but their Wild seeds lie scattered everywhere. Wild Places can be found in animals, in insects, in grass and trees and rock and stone and even in the air. You can find a Wild Place in a park, by a waterway, even in a yard. When you find one, even for just a moment, how do you feel? How does it feel? What do you think? What do you think it thinks?
johnhwomack@gmail.com WildPlaces