It's not well known but maple trees can actually attack. Here is a beautiful example. I shot this same shot in the autumn because it was so pretty then. So - what to do?

This is our front yard! Amazing isn't it. My wife planted these beauties several years ago and they just get carried away more and more every year. They are under our peach tree which is also blooming and just in front of the lilac which is getting ready to explode - so get your pictures and get away quickly!

This is one of our neighbors yards. We have a lot of them that look very similar to this. You won't believe how hard it is to drive. I mean with a camera in one hand and a video camcorder in the other.

This is easier. I made it sitting in the swing on our deck. Our pretty cherry tree anchors one end of the grapevine and also overlooks a wren house. Great place to live, right? I mean, if you are a bird. Or a person.

Another neighbors place. Hard to drive on these roads in the springtime or the autumn. Main thing is to stay out of the ditches. They are just full of cars this time of the year. (Floridans, mostly)

And the big trees are starting to get with it too. Can you imagine how much energy it takes to blast out all these leaves on this great big tree? Now multiply that energy by 4,000,000,000,000, to the 12th power for all the trees in the Smokies! Wow!
Well - I like the autumn in the mountains and my wife likes the springtime. I just don't know. What do you think, Kat, Janie, and Juliana? I need help!