The Footcandle Film Society has become one of the defining elements of Hickory. Its founder and leader, Alan Jackson, brings the wonder of the entire world in the form of movies to those who are fascinated by this art. It 's not just that the stories he brings before us are good, but that they are also the ones that we otherwise would never see or even know about, and we sometimes don't know what they will be until we walk in and sit down. (Even though it is posted at least a week in advance.) It's like being in a good game of dice, we see the dealer (Alan) shake the cup, we try to read his eyes, interpret his smile, and then as he rolls it out before us we rise from our seats to stare incredulously and then we say "Wow!" Or maybe "What?"

Then comes the best part. After the movie is over and the story has been told and the lights come back up again, the real magic happens. Some of the people always get up and walk down the steps dusting themselves of popcorn residue as they make their way down and out. Then the remaining audience congregate down toward the front and Alan and Chris Frye lead a discussion about the movie we have all just seen. Questions are asked, comments are made, puzzled looks abound, laughter is heard. Art, real art now takes place. Suggestions for improvement are made, critiques of possible missed opportunities are discussed, and in some fertile minds seeds are sown.