Sunday, January 11, 2015

A New Picture of Muhammad

Now being presented to the world by a group who call themselves Muslim is a new picture of a person they claim to be Muhammad.  

This new picture depicts their prophet as one who has no respect for human beings, a figure firmly rooted in the fifth century (except for AK-47s), who wants the world to carry on indefinitely as it was back then.  It is  the presentation of a man who has no respect for dialog or progress, one who rejects government by the people.  

It is the picture of regimentation,  of force and killing for the single purpose of imposing submission on other people in other countries and of a different religion.  It certainly has no comprehension of the separation of church and state, or of a government of the people, by the people and for the people.  According to this new picture, Islam MUST rule all the people of all the world. 

The recent actions in Paris and the French Kosher store are not the only pictures depicting their prophet.  The slaughter of innocent people including children are now adding to this new description, and the beheadings of journalists are now changing the world's perception of who they thought Muhammad was.

By definition the word “submission” requires yielding, acceptance or consent.   Otherwise, imposition of one’s will upon another is a universal declaration of war.   Is that the new picture of Muhammad?