July's edition of POETRY ALIVE in Hickory was kicked off by Mindy Evans of Morgantown. She was lively, entertaining and her writing was very well delivered. Her performance was a great way to start an evening of entertainment.
The night was concluded by Jessie Carty from Charlotte, who read from her new collection At the A and P Meridiem, a beautiful connection of seemingly isolated events happening to seeming isolated people with the revelation that we are all bound together by these very events and this very sense of isolation. Jessie also videotapes the readings at Poetry Alive and the images from June’s meeting can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfXWeH4rXgg
What a wonderful way to spend an evening ANYwhere - this is one of the great reasons to come to Hickory on the second Tuesday of every month! But at any time, the TASTE FULL BEANS COFFEE SHOP
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