Yes! Franklin Frankie danced in the sunlight this morning!
"Winter is dead!" He shouted in triumph as he collapsed after his three-hour whirl and stomp on top of Wayah Bald. No Punxsutawney Phil is Franklin Frankie, the great groundhog of western North Carolina.
Frankie had his Macon County Marmot Morning today and brought the winter to an end. (The weather forecast is only an illusion, relax.) In spite of his frenzy, Frankie was careful not to tromp on the daffodils, dandilions and day-lilies already rising from the earth.
Well, we all know that Punxsutawney Phil says that if he sees his shadow, it is time for 6 more weeks of winter and he heads back to his winter den. But Phil is a Yamn Dankey and he only knows what he has been told to know, he thinks his shadow is scary! Frankie knows different. He has seen the light!
Actually, over the past 12 years, only two St. Bridget Days have been completely overcast, and they both led to a cold and miserable spring. The other 10 were blessed with sunlight, and springtime sprouted shortly thereafter.
Photo made with Dixon Prang, 10, 12, 1 and 2.
© John Womack, 2007. All rights reserved.