Sixth annual gathering at the river by the citizens of Hickory. We humans were not alone either. There were owls and hawks and snakes and specialists who knew what was going on around the local area.
There were presentations on birding practices and hiking trails and greenways, although the mythical Hickory Greenway still has not been found. Even the people at this presentation weren't sure, although they informed me that it was nearby - in fact some 3/10 of a mile of the Greenway is right here at the park. Where the rest of it is - well, we still don't know. Nobody was sure although we saw three signs while driving home that read "Greenway" with an arrow pointing. But we've been there in the past and there is no greenway there.
Another bluegrass band was playing here too. "Bluegrass" is heard everywhere around here but they don't play "bluegrass" music for some reason - they play a form of calm, slightly upscale country music. Probably that's because they really only know Country Music, but that has degenerated so badly over the past 30 years that nobody really wants to hear it anymore. So they play something and call it "Bluegrass".

All in all, it was a nice day. Weather was warm but with a bright blue sky and a cooling breeze. Some canoeing and fishing brought us all back to the river, and made for a pleasant visit.