Saturday, June 19, 2010

Viki Ryan at Fireman's Kitchen in Hickory

Viki Ryan. She sang at the Fireman’s Kitchen in Hickory on the night of June 18, 2010.   Hard to understand all her words but I have that problem with women anyway. Then  I began to notice her gestures and how well they accentuated her singing and bodily movements.  Some of the gestures had a hypnotic “fillip” on the point between it and the next one.  Her eyes seemed to be looking for someone special. Then I realized she was singing with her eyes too.  I had never seen that before. Sometimes when she was doing the “fillip” she would focus on a special person in the audience - then I realized she was looking at me when she did these things.  She was singing to me!  Wow.  That had NEVER happened to ME before.  I was fascinated.  So was everybody else,  including Nathan Hefner who accompanied Viki.  He was obviously having fun.  Well clearly I am not qualified to render a critique on Viki Ryan.  All I can say is that I enjoyed being with her, and everybody there obviously enjoyed having fun together.  Thanks Viki. I will remember that night we shared your stories together.  You made me feel special.

Picture will enlarge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words. You were a part of a great audience.
Viki Ryan