Folkmoot! Interntional Day! What more needs to be said? What more CAN be said? If you haven't been there you have a gift of great value awaiting you. You will have to wait another year to open it though because it is packing its charms today, and the people who have come to Waynesville from the corners of the earth prepare to return to their respective corners.

Folkmoot is a two-week long international celebration of food, costume, traditions, music and dance. Participants come from various counties and perform in the mountains of WNC. The last Saturday is designated International Day and the main street of Waynesville is turned into a pedestrian mall with performances all day long on both ends of the street. In between performances, visitors stroll

through kiosks and the shops of Waynesville, eating, shopping and meeting the international performers who are also walking the street as anxious to meet Americans as we are to meet and talk with them. It is one of the great happenings of the year in this part of the world. In 2009, the participants have come from Greece, Israel, Mexico, Romania, Togo, Serbia, Spain and the Netherlands.
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