BUT. All that is now history. Tonight is a night for celebration! And so we all gather at the great Scots pub of . . . well, actually McCroskeys Irish Pub in Hickory, North Carolina, and listen to the great Scotsmen of hmmm . . . well, actually, the Belfast Boys! But hey, what do the Scots, the Irish and Americans all have in common? Yeah, England! So let’s go gather together for song, ceremony, food and drink!
Haggis was served well. Marched in with an escort, presented with a prayer, carved with a flourish, and then reverently dispersed in tiny serving cups to the grateful? crowd.
So we had it all. Burns, poetry, prayer, ceremony, haggis, and music by Adrian Rice and Allyn Mearns, “The Belfast Boys”. Good music, great songs, well presented. A good evening. Hickory, The Friendly City, at its best.